

Baptisms are normally celebrated on a Sunday after the 11 a.m. Mass or during one of the weekend Masses. Sessions to prepare parents for the baptism of their child are scheduled individually with the pastor or one of the deacons. These are to be completed at least two months prior to the celebration of baptism. Expectant parents are encouraged to meet prior to the birth or adoption of their baby. Parents who have had a child baptized recently can simply call the Parish Office to arrange for their baptism.

confrimation2011Holy Communion

At All Saints, First Holy Communion is normally celebrated on the first Sunday in May for children in Grade 2. Parents of children enrolled in Catholic School or the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) will receive information about the necessary preparation in a special meeting.


In the Diocese of Toledo, the Sacrament of Confirmation is normally celebrated for children in Grade 8. At All Saints, parents of children enrolled in Catholic School or the Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) will begin to receive information about Confirmation preparation during Grade 7.

Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA)

Adults and older children who have never been baptized or who did not complete the sacraments of Holy Communion or Confirmation after Baptism are invited to learn more about OCIA. This special opportunity is designed to for those who wish to explore the possibility of being baptized or completing their initiation. Additionally, those baptized in other Christian denominations and who now have an interest in becoming Catholic, are also welcomed to take part in the OCIA process. Inquiries to the Parish Office can be made at any time of the year, whenever the Holy Spirit calls.


The Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered on Saturdays at 3:30 p.m. in the Reconciliation Chapel. Requests for the sacrament can also be made at any time by contacting the Parish Office. Communal celebrations of the sacrament occur during Advent and Lent.

Anointing of the Sick

Those weakened by age or illness, or preparing for surgery, are asked to call the Parish Office to make arrangements to celebrate the Sacrament of the Sick. Visits can be made to the home, hospital, or care facility. On occasion, a communal celebration is scheduled during a Mass at church.

Ministers of CareCommunion to the Sick

After an initial visit by the pastor, those who are homebound as well as Catholics at hospice or residing in a local care facility, are visited on a regular basis by parishioners who are specially prepared and commissioned to take Holy Communion to the sick. Please call the Parish Office to arrange for a visit.


In the Diocese of Toledo, a six-month preparation period is required. Please contact the Parish Office for further details and to coordinate a date for your wedding.

Holy Orders

Young men and men interested in vocations to the priesthood and diaconate can speak with the pastor or contact the diocesan vocations office at  419-244-6711. Young men or women interested in the religious life can also contact the diocesan office or speak with a member of our parish staff.