Ministry of Spiritual Formation

All Saints Catholic School (Preschool – Grade 8)

school childrenAll Saints Catholic School provides quality education and faith formation to children from preschool through grade eight. Teachers and staff work in partnership with parents who believe that the light of faith illumines everything children learn about themselves and the world. In a Christ-centered environment, students are encouraged to live the Gospel and practice habits of body, mind, and heart needed to mature in knowledge of the Catholic faith and to embrace stewardship as a way of life. Students in Grade Pre-K through Grade 4 experience the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd weekly.

Financial assistance is available to parishioners. Enrollment information and tours are available year-round by calling the School Office. Visit the All Saints Catholic School Web site to learn more.

Parish Religious Education Program (PREP)

Children in Grades K-8 who are not enrolled in a Catholic School are expected to take part in PREP which meets on Sundays mornings at 9:30-10:45 a.m. from mid-September through April. Grades K-1st use the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd as the approach to religious education. Call the Sue Van Hersett at Parish Office or email her at  to learn more about registration or to offer your service as a catechist or assistant. To register your child/ren for PREP please submit this form (click here) to the Parish Office.

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS)

CGS is an approach to Faith Formation which is based on Montessori principles of learning. It originated in Rome in 1954 by Sofia Cavalletti, (Ɨ 2011) who was a Catholic Theologian and Hebrew Scripture scholar, along with her Montessori collaborator, Gianna Gobi, (Ɨ 2002). CGS now extends to many countries around the world. The Sisters of Charity are now using this method to share the Good News with children in places it is often difficult to see God’s goodness. Atriums can be found in home,parish and school settings.

Within the philosophy of CGS, we believe that God and the child have a unique relationship with one another especially before the age of six, and the growth of this relationship should be assisted by the adult, but is directed by the Spirit of God within the child.  

The prepared environment of the Atrium is one of the elements which help this relationship to flourish. The Atrium can be compared to a retreat house; it is a place for religious life, for community and worship.   The most important characteristic of the materials in the Atrium is their close link to Biblical and Liturgical sources.

These materials, handcrafted by our parishioners help the young children learn about Prayer, the Mass, the Sacraments, Biblical Geography, the Life of Jesus, the Kingdom of God Parables, History of the Kingdom of God, Practical Life, Art and more.

The presentations in the Atrium are given in a way that both helps the child to have a deeper understanding of the Bible and Liturgy and also helps them grow in their relationship with God.

Students in grades Pre-K through 6th grade in our parish school attend CGS weekly as part of their religion course of study.  Students in K through 2nd grade enrolled in PREP also attend CGS on a weekly basis. Students in 2nd grade, both PREP and our parish school attend CGS weekly for essential Sacramental preparation. At All Saints we are blessed to have 4 active certified CGS catechists and one attending a Formation Course who will be certified for the 2020 - 2021 school year. For more information contact Sue Van Hersett at or call the parish office.

Youth Groupconfirmation candidates with Bishop Blair

An active high school youth group meets approximately once a month. A variety of social, spiritual, catechetical, and service-related activities, events, conferences, and retreats are offered all throughout the year. Youth from any area high school are encouraged and welcomed to become active in the youth group. At times, Junior High level students are also invited to take part.

Senior Ministry

The Senior Ministry strives to provide prayer, service, social, and educational opportunities to the senior men and women of All Saints Parish. The goal is to enhance faith, strengthen prayer life, and build community. All are welcome to the monthly functions.

Adult Faith Formation

A variety of opportunities are offered throughout the year for adult enrichment. Included are Bible Studies, Guest Speakers, Missions, Days of Recollection, Retreats, Lenten Programs, and much more. Watch the bulletin or contact the Parish Office for current offerings. If you have an interest in assisting theplanning and preparation for these opportunities please contact the ParishOffice. Additionally, we welcome your interest in being a sponsor or a part of the RCIA team.